- This event has passed.
The Tax Council Policy Institute (TCPI) is requiring all 2022 Symposium attendees to be fully vaccinated* prior to the start of the program in May to ensure the safety and health of everyone involved. Record of COVID vaccination must be provided at onsite check-in. Please read our COVID PROTOCOL prior to registration for the health measures we’re implementing as well as answers to FAQs.
* “Fully vaccinated” is defined by the CDC as two weeks after a second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or two weeks after the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
5/2/2022 – TCPI Honor Barbara Angus with the 2022 Pillar of Excellence Award
Program Description.
Seismic shifts in global business models, economies, and social awareness are pushing tax policy toward an inflection point. During the 2022 program, we will explore several significant trends, along with the evolution of tax policy, to assess how they are interacting with and influencing each other and how tax executives and policymakers are anticipating and responding to these conflicting demands and opportunities. Is there a future that includes tax stability or can we expect continuing aftershocks? Areas to be explored include:
- The new multilateralism – How impactful might Pillars One and Two turn out to be and are these harbingers of new modes of multilateral tax policy development? Who are the key players? How can individual governments address these efforts while still maintaining sovereignty?
- Tax law changes – Are pending changes to the US tax code tinkering at the edges or transforming the fundamentals?
- Tax transparency and governance – How is the continued evolution of environmental, social, and governance standards viewed from the perspective of internal and external stakeholders?
- The impact of change on tax – How have roles and responsibilities evolved for the chief tax officer and the tax department in this rapidly changing environment?
- Fiscal stability – How are governments tapping into traditional and new sources of tax revenue on such unsteady ground while recovering from a pandemic?
Join the discussion with other tax executives, legislators, regulators, administrators, economists, and academics as we come together to explore emerging tax and fiscal policy developments and share insights and practical strategies for managing the impact of these global seismic shifts.
Early bird registration (register by COB April 22, 2022): $950
Regular registration (register after April 22, 2022): $1200
Government employees and Academia (full-time faculty and student): $350
Register early to receive a discount. The symposium attendance fee includes all sessions plus two continental breakfasts, one lunch, and a networking reception.
Continuing Education.
Learning objective – To explore emerging tax and fiscal policy developments and share insights and practical strategies for managing the impact of the global seismic shifts in tax.
Participation in the symposium will allow you the opportunity to receive continuing education credits. TCPI is registered with NASBA, and in accordance with its policies, up to 12 CPE credits can be earned. (NASBA Field of Study: TAXATION.)
TCPI will also apply for CLE accreditation from those states that require it, which participants list on their registration form. The total amount of earned CLE credits varies by states.
CPE: 12.50 credit hours (based on a 50-min per credit hour standard)
CLE: 12.50 credit hours (based on a 50-min per credit hour standard); 10.50 credit hours (based on a 60-min per credit hour standard)
The Tax Council Policy Institute is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: http://www.nasbaregistry.org/.
The Agenda.
Day 1
7:15 AM - 8:00 AM
Registration and Breakfast
8:00 AM - 8:15 AM
Recognition of Symposium Mission and Opening Remarks
8:15 AM - 9:00 AM
How the World has Changed: Leadership Lesson Learned
Sharon Heck, Corporate Vice President Finance and Chief Tax Officer, Intel Corporation
Paul Nolan, Vice President, Tax, Government Affairs & Strategic Real Estate, McCormick & Company, Inc.
Todd Sweeris, Greater Washington Office Tax Managing Partner, Deloitte Tax LLP
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
State of the economy
Labor shortages. Supply chain woes. Inflation. Which changes are permanent, which are temporary, and what hasn’t changed at all due to the pandemic? And what might these mean for the future of policy making (whether in the fiscal or monetary domains)? This session will focus on the macroeconomic landscape upon which future tax policy decisions will be made.
Ira Kalish, Chief Global Economist, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd.
Kyle Pomerleau, Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute
Louise Sheiner, The Robert S. Kerr Senior Fellow - Economic Studies; Policy Director - The Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy, The Brookings Institution
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
The future relationship between tax authorities and taxpayers’ digital DNA
Globally, tax administrators are developing and deploying innovative solutions to calculate and capture taxes. At the same time, jurisdictions are increasingly connected through global programs. Panelists will discuss these developments and how they are future proofing companies’ tax organizations and shaping relationships with tax authorities and their approaches to data, compliance, and enforcement.
Kirsten Wielobob, Principal, Tax Policy & Controversy, EY
Melissa Hall, Senior Vice President, Global Tax, Assurant
Martin Rabenort, Partner, Tax Management Consulting, Deloitte
Tim Wright, Staff Vice President Tax Planning & International Tax, FedEx -
11:30 AM - 11:50 AM
Looking beyond OECD Pillars 1 and 2
While country-by-country reporting and Pillars 1 & 2 have dominated tax news about the Organisation for Economic Development (OECD), the tax agenda at the OECD encompasses much more and a new set of priorities are on deck. We will explore these in a fireside chat with Pascal Saint-Amans, Centre for Tax Policy and Administration at the OECD.
Facilitated by Manal Corwin, Principal in Charge of Washington National Tax, KPMG LLP -
11:50 AM - 1:05 PM
Multilateralism: The New Mode
Over the last decade, the OECD has been leading efforts aimed at solving some of the thorniest global tax policy issues. While their Inclusive Framework (IF) membership of approximately 140 countries far exceeds their own 38 member countries, there are many countries not participating who will be impacted by the policies spawned by IF’s recommendations. To fill the gaps, the UN has also redoubled its efforts to establish global tax policy norms, and the IMF and World Bank also participate in both UN and OECD efforts. Is “magical thinking” – the idea that, at the end of it all, we will have a single set of workable rules that are uniformly applied regardless of jurisdiction – the glue that keeps all the stakeholders engaged? Inclusive policymaking is a laudable goal, but is it achievable given the many organizations that are involved, and stakeholders have competing priorities and views on how the rules should work? This session will explore the challenges and opportunities that multilateralism creates as related to the key objectives of fairness, administrability, and sovereignty.
Ross Kearney, Corporate Vice President, Tax, Raytheon Technologies
Cory Hillier, Senior Counsel (Tax Law), International Monetary Fund
Fabrizia Lapecorella, Chair, Committee on Fiscal Affairs, OECD; Director General of Finance, Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance
Ruth Mason, Edwin S. Cohen Distinguished Professor of Law and Taxation, University of Virginia School of Law
Loren Ponds, Member, Miller & Chevalier Chartered
1:05 PM - 2:25 PM
Lunch and presentation of TCPI Pillar of Excellence Award
Award Recipient:
Barbara Angus, EY's Global Tax Policy Leader and former Chief Tax Counsel of the House Committee on Ways and Means -
2:30 PM - 3:10 PM
Tax transparency and governance in a new era of good business citizenship
While tax transparency and governance are not new concepts, it is clear that “environmental, social, and governance” (ESG) has recently elevated their importance for businesses. The S (social) of ESG is the force that pulls all the disparate ESG pieces into the larger focus of societal expectations on business behavior and economic contribution. Paying tax is now more than a cost of doing business – paying tax is a way companies demonstrate responsibility and sustainability, and thereby build back trust with all stakeholders (shareholders, customers, governments, etc.). This session will explore emerging ESG and tax transparency and governance initiatives, how they relate to each other and, in many instances, actually create opportunities for businesses.
Teri Wielenga, Vice President, Global Head of Tax Policy, Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Mindy Herzfeld, Professor of Tax Practice, University of Florida Levin College of Law
Will Morris, Deputy Global Tax Policy Leader, PwC
Christopher Rice, Vice President - Global Upstream Tax / Projects & Technology, Shell Oil Company
3:10 PM - 3:40 PM
Tax at the OECD – A Deeper Dive
Dive a little deeper into the tax priorities at the OECD, including the implementation of Pillars 1 and 2, with Fabrizia Lapecorella, Chair of the OECD’s Committee on Fiscal Affairs.
Facilitated by Bob Stack, Managing Director, International Tax Group, Washington National Tax, Deloitte Tax LLP -
3:40 PM - 4:00 PM
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Pillars One and Two and the implications for the future of tax policy
When 136 of the 140 member countries of the OECD’s IF committed to Pillars 1 and 2 in the fall of 2021 it signaled dramatic reforms of global taxation to come. But much work remains. This panel will discuss the anticipated benefits and complications of these reforms and the behavioral changes they could prompt.
Moshe Spinowitz, Partner, Skadden
Barbara Angus, Global Tax Policy Leader, EY
Stewart Brant, Director, Global Tax Policy, PwC
Thomas Roesser, GM, Tax Policy Counsel, Microsoft
Louise Weingrod, Vice President, Global Taxation, Johnson & Johnson
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM
ESG ratings and reference points for tax
Rating a company on their tax footprint is gaining popularity. Currently, several tax authorities, pension agencies, and rating agencies include aspects of tax in their ESG ratings. Join us for this mini-session with Ankit Sayani, MSCI's Executive Director and Head of Corporate ESG Models, where we will demystify these ratings and what public information influences them.
Conversation facilitated by James Gordon, Senior Manager, Deloitte -
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM
A Chief Tax Officer’s ESG toolbox
While many tax executives are poised to contribute to ESG reporting initiatives at their companies, ESG reporting is in its infancy, particularly for US-based companies. We will hear from tax executives who are at the forefront of these initiatives and the tools and techniques (such as Tax Total Contribution reports) they use as they work with their ESG counterparts and communicate with stakeholders about tax.
Maria Minetti, Deputy Head of Tax, CBRE
Kirsten Nordlof, Vice President, Global Tax and Statutory Accounting, Uber
William Stack, Senior Director, Public Affairs, Gilead Sciences, Inc. -
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Networking Reception
Day 2
7:30 AM - 8:00 AM
Continental breakfast
8:00 AM - 8:10 AM
Welcome Back
8:10 AM - 8:40 AM
The US Treasury POV
In this fireside chat, Lily Batchelder, US Treasury's Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, will join us to discuss the US Treasury’s tax policy priorities. What might come next as tax plays its role in stabilizing and growing the US economy? How will Treasury synthesize the demands of the global tax community into a US tax policy that will help stabilize global tax systems without sacrificing US policy goals?
Chat facilitated by John Gimigliano, Principal-in-Charge, Federal Tax Legislative and Regulatory Services, Washington National Tax, KPMG -
8:40 AM - 9:50 AM
US Tax Policy Developments (congressional and regulatory)
This session will explore the latest legislative and regulatory developments with regard to US tax legislation. We will discuss the journey from legislation to regulatory guidance and near-term priorities with key players from the Hill and Treasury.
Victoria Glover, Partner, Tax Policy and Pass through Groups, Washington National Tax, Deloitte Tax LLP
Beth Bell, Staff Director, Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures, House Committee on Ways and Means
Courtney Connell, Senior Tax Counsel, Senate Finance Committee
Jonathan Goldman, Senior Tax Counsel, International & Corporate, Senate Finance Committee
Jose Murillo, Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Tax Affairs, Office of Tax Policy, U.S. Department of the Treasury
Derek Theurer, Chief Tax Counsel – Minority, House Committee on Ways and Means
Tom West, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Domestic Business Tax, Office of Tax Policy, U.S. Department of the Treasury
9:50 AM - 10:20 AM
In this fireside chat with Deputy Commissioner Doug O’Donnell, we will explore IRS priorities including the future use of technology and data, changes in enforcement, and upcoming guidance.
Facilitated by Rose Sereti, National Competency Leader -Tax Controversy Services, Deloitte Tax LLP -
10:20 AM - 10:45 AM
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM
The future of US tax policy and the forces that will shape it
This panel will explore revenue raisers, both current and recent, the US appetite for those not yet adopted, and how these policies might be impacted by or influence the global tax dialogue. It will also explore the tensions created for policymakers and C-suite decisionmakers in an increasingly politicized and transparent corporate tax environment.
Paul Nolan, Tax, Government Affairs and Strategic Real Estate, McCormick & Company, Inc.
Victor Fleischer, Professor of Law, University of California, Irvine
Jeri K. Seidman, Associate Professor of Commerce, University of Virginia McIntire School of Commerce
Martin Sullivan, Chief Economist, Tax Analysts
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
Managing stakeholder expectations while the tax dust settles
Tax executives and tax departments have become adept at managing and adapting to the near constant challenge of seismic business, economic, and social changes. This session will explore how tax executives are anticipating and meeting the latest wave of challenges while evolving the nature of their relationships with key internal and external stakeholders.
Sharon Heck, Corporate Vice President Finance and Chief Tax Officer, Intel Corporation
Stephen Bonovich, Vice President, Tax, Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Mary Kim Elkins, Senior Vice President, Taxes, Eaton Corporation
Tadd Fowler, Senior Vice President – Treasurer and Global Tax Operations, Procter & Gamble
Mark Volpe, Senior Vice President, Tax, Regeneron
1:00 PM - 1:10 PM
Closing remarks
The Speakers.

Lily Batchelder **Featured Speakers

Fabrizia Lapecorella **Featured Speaker

Douglas O'Donnell **Featured Speaker

Pascal Saint-Amans **Featured Speaker

Barbara Angus

Beth Bell

Stephen Bonovich

Stewart Brant

Courtney Connell

Manal Corwin

Jared Dunkin

Mary Kim Elkins

Victor Fleischer

Tadd Fowler

John Gimigliano

Victoria Glover

Jonathan Goldman

James Gordon

Melissa Hall

Sharon Heck
Mindy Herzfeld

Cory Hillier

Ira Kalish

Ross Kearney

Ruth Mason

Maria Minetti

Will Morris
Jose Murillo

Paul Nolan

Kirsten Nordlof

Kyler Pomerleau

Loren Ponds

Martin Rabenort

Christopher Rice

Thomas J. Roesser

Ankit Sayani

Jeri K. Seidman

Rose Sereti

Louise Sheiner

Moshe Spinowitz

Bob Stack

William Stack

Martin Sullivan

Todd Sweeris

Derek Theurer

Mark Volpe

Louise Weingrod

Tom West

Teri Wielenga

Kirsten Wielobob

Tim Wright
Planning Committee.
Deloitte Tax *2022 TCPI Symposium Program Manager*
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Amgen Inc.
Assurant Inc.
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck
Eli Lilly and Company
Exxon Mobil Corporation
FedEx Corporation
Ford Motor Company
Gilead Sciences, Inc.
IBM Corporation
Intel Corporation
International Paper
Ivins, Phillips & Barker
Johnson & Johnson
Koch Industries
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Loews Corporation
Mars, Incorporated
McCormick & Company, Inc.
McDermott Will & Emery
Miller & Chevalier
PepsiCo, Inc.
Procter & Gamble
Raytheon Technologies
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
Steptoe & Johnson
The Carlyle Group
The Walt Disney Company
Hotel Information.
THE ROOM BLOCK IS SOLD OUT! The $399 a night rate is no longer available. The hotel is offering rooms at $599 a night. If you are interested in securing a room at that rate, please contact Debbie Siu, TCPI’s Director of Operations, at dsiu@tcpi.org. FYI, there are several hotels within a couple of blocks from the Ritz-Carlton. There are two hotels across the street from the Ritz:
1) Washington Marriott Georgetown
Other hotels in the area are:
The Ritz-Carlton Washington DC
1150 22nd Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
+1 202 835 0500
$399 per night plus tax and fee
Only Symposium attendees are allowed to use our block. If we see your name in our room block, we will consider you as a registered attendee and payment will be requested.
Reservation Method (choose one):
- Call 202-835-0500 or 800-241-3333 and reference “2022 TCPI Symposium”
- Reserve online – click here
All reservations should be received by no later than Friday, April 22, 2022. After this date, room availability and pricing cannot be guaranteed.
** There is a limited number of rooms available three days prior to and three days after the conference dates. If you would like to add to your stay, please contact Marcia Gomes at Marcia.Gomes@ritzcarlton.com or (202) 974-5557.
Check-in and Check-out
- Check in: 4:00 PM
- Check out: 11:00 AM
Room Cancellation Policy:
72 hours prior to arrival. No-shows will be charged the first night’s room and tax charges and released.
Additional Information.
What health measures are you undertaking to ensure the safety and health of all attendees?
TCPI is requiring all 2022 Symposium attendees to be fully vaccinated and vaccination record must be provided at onsite check-in. Please review our COVID Protocol on the conference main page for additional information on how we and the Ritz-Carlton Washington DC aim to keep all attendees safe.
Who should attend?
The program is designed for CFOs, VPs of Tax, VPs of Finance, corporate tax directors, government tax professionals, tax counsels, attorneys, and managers. The method of delivery will be group-live at an intermediate to advanced level. Participants should possess an advanced knowledge of tax policy and practice.
Does the registration cost include hotel reservation?
No. You must make your own hotel reservation. A limited number of rooms has been put on hold at The Ritz-Carlton Washington DC (1150 22nd Street NW) for the evenings of May 18th and 19th for $399 per night (plus tax and fees). Check out the "Hotel" section for additional information.
Can I obtain continuing education credits (CLE or CPE) by attending this conference?
Participation in the Symposium will allow you the opportunity to receive continuing education credits. TCPI is registered with NASBA, and in accordance with its policies, up to 12 CPE credits can be earned. (NASBA Field of Study: TAXATION.) TCPI will also apply for CLE accreditation post-conference from those states that require it, which participants list on their registration forms. The total amount of earned CLE credits varies by states.
How do I become an exhibitor?
To obtain a copy of the exhibitor prospectus, which includes the pricing and benefits of becoming an exhibitor, please email us at general@tcpi.org. Note that spots are limited and we do sell out!
Should I bring a laptop/tablet to this conference?
YES, especially for those seeking continuing education (CE) credits. An event app will be available for the sole use of registered attendees. Submitting questions for speakers, tracking of attendance for CE accreditation, participating in polling questions, accessing conference documents (presentations and articles) and many functions will be conducted through the event app. There will be wifi and writing surface available in the conference room.
What is the cancellation and refund policy?
Fees are refundable, less a $100 processing fee, if written notice is received by TCPI prior to COB Wednesday, April 20, 2022. There will be no refunds after April 20, 2022; however, a substitute for the original registrant will be accepted. For more information regarding registration, refund, complaint, and/or program cancellation policies, please call TCPI at (202) 822-8062 or email symposium@tcpi.org.